Let’s Have Fun Together
Marie Elizabeth was a part of The Real Nerds of Comedy at the Emerald City Comic Con, in Gaggle of Geeks at GeekGirlCon, Best of the Pacific Northwest at GeekFest West, featured at the FemComedy Fiesta in San Antonio Texas, a regular showcase comedian at Laughs Comedy Club in Seattle, part of the Laugh Riot Grrrl Comedy Festival in Los Angeles, a voice actor at Enchilada Radio, and producer of Hotties and Bodies.
Marie Elizabeth is an openly Autistic, pansexual, and polyamorous Seattle based stand up comedian, born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. Marie’s babe-in-the-woods attempts to comprehend the day-to-day expectations of our neurotypical world is the basis for their observational and curious comedy that is always funny and sometimes raunchy. When not on stage, Marie runs a therapeutic practice where staff and clients are all neurodivergent, provides trainings, and teaches graduate students. Growth is uncomfortable and more fun with laughter.
Find about their production work with Mischief Maker Comedy here!
Follow them on social media for upcoming shows, videos, and general shenanigans on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.